Learn how to increase your faith, inner peace, health & overcome all challenges with this powerful spiritual process!
Regardless of the massive challenges this world is facing, you can rise above, and create a deeper sense of peace with this incredibly effective and powerful program that David created, just for you!
Take Your Career and Your Life to The Next Level!
As a sports psychology coach, David Essel decided to write this book after working 35 years with professional and college athletes from all over. This book is to help athletes rise above any challenge they are currently facing!
A New Approach to Go Beyond “The Steps” to Peace, Health, and Joy for Busy Executives, and YOU!
It’s time for permanent recovery! And this book, is your starting point!
Finally! A book dedicated to help us all heal during these challenging and chaotic times! Along with his new monthly program, Helping Americans Heal™, this book discusses how to deal with and overcome depression, dependency, addictions, and other afflictions brought on by these stressful times.
Learn David’s unique journaling method to help you overcome life‘s uncertainties! The Companion Book to: Helping Americans Heal!: The Ultimate Guide to Healing During These Challenging Times. Follow the program in this book and in just 52 weeks, you’ll be a radically changed person!
Do you want Monogamy, with intense passion? Do you want Monogamy, with deep, sexual excitement? Do you want Monogamy, with a mind blowing erotic touch? Discover the world of erotic love within a unique sexual and heart connection, offering an intoxicating euphoric relationship!
Are you really ready for the secrets to love and relationships? It’s about time. And David will lead the way. Are you ready?
David’s 10th motivational book, “Focus!”, will radically change the way that we approach success, goal achievement, and profound love.
Through this transformational book, David Essel was given the message that is about to change the way millions of people think, believe and act, as he proves that the heaven we seek, the one we believe we have to wait for, is right here and NOW! And the best news? Heaven is available today to anyone who truly wants it.
Nationally syndicated newspaper columnist Sandy Tavish, regarded as the top male “love expert” in the USA, headed to the Hawaiian islands in search of relaxation and the answers to real, deep love that had eluded him for years. What happened next, no one, would ever believe.
In this, David’s 9th new breakthrough book, David combines his 30 years of work in the field of personal growth along with stories from some of the top authors and success experts of our day, to shatter “the myth of the power of positive thinking.”
Are your struggling, with life? Is hope, elusive? Faith, disappearing? Join David as his unique and exciting parable will restore your hope, and faith in life. This incredible story, was given to David by a homeless man.
If you’re still buying into the notion that to be more successful in any area of life means that you must work harder, faster, and always be the first in line, David Essel has two important words for you – slow down.
151 Inspirational Reflections to help you rise above life’s intimate challenges. Has love for yourself, or a life partner, been elusive? Have you ever felt lost in your own existence, unable to truly accept who you are? Are you living a life that lacks inner peace? Well, take heart, you are not alone.
The two predominant themes for my children’s book are related to: * our need to accept those who do not look or act as we do, and * to follow our dreams with the special talents we have been given.
My search for a life that is full of inspiration and joy is your search, too. Join me on the miraculous journey through the pages of this book as we all look for a deeper connection with ourselves and our world. Explore with me the Language for the Heart and Soul. Spoiler alert! Each of David’s writings, were illustrated in this book by junior high and high school art students from across the USA!
Counseling, Life and Business Coaching sessions are done one-on-one with David either by telephone or in person. Approximately 80% of his one-on-one counseling and coaching sessions have been done via the phone since 1992. For coaching sessions in person, David has offices in Ft. Myers and Naples, Florida. David will personally “coach” you to greater levels of success. His vast personal and business experiences and knowledge of additional resources help you to accomplish the most important goals of your life. David is compassionate, confidential, energizing and committed to helping you succeed.
What type of people does David coach?
Since 1992 David has counseled and coached people from all walks of life: physicians, housewives, teachers, high school and college students, single moms and dads, couples, musicians, actors, ministers, business owners, real estate agents, psychotherapists and mental health counselors, financial planners, athletes, and more.
DAVID ESSEL’S personal mission is to inspire individuals to effortlessly recognize their own unique gifts and to become more alive, successful and happy in every area of their lives.
David works by phone, Skype, Zoom, with clients from anywhere in the world, or in person at 1 of the 2 offices below:
Sanibel Island, Florida:
David works with annual and snow bird residents, as well as vacationers to this gorgeous island! Text or call 941.266.7676 for fastest response.