Get ready to change your beliefs and your actions regarding money and finances today!
This visual meditation program is geared to help awaken and change both the conscious and subconscious mind when it comes to your finances, your money.
With daily use and daily practice, we can begin to examine the thoughts, behaviors and actions regarding money that we need to let go of… And then at the same time create the “feeling base“, to create a radically changed life. A life, where we are emotionally free around money.
When we are emotionally free around money, the unexpected expenses do not throw us off base.
When we are emotionally free around money, anxiety disappears, worry is a thing of the past, as we become so secure in regards to our beliefs, thoughts and actions regarding our finances.
Take advantage of this program today, as we learn how to change the mind as well as our actions regarding our financial future.
Get ready to change your beliefs and your actions regarding love and intimacy today!
This visual meditation program is geared to help awaken and change both the conscious and subconscious mind when it comes to love , relationships and more.
With daily use and daily practice we can begin to examine the thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and actions regarding love and relationships that we need to let go of…
And then at the same time create the “feeling base“, to create a radically changed life regarding the concept of love and intimacy.
A life where we are emotionally connected in order to love ourselves and others more deeply.
When we have created the ability to give and receive love, life becomes easier to navigate.
When we are able to set healthy boundaries and consequences regarding Love, we start to earn more respect from others as well as ourselves.
Take advantage of this program today as we learn how to change the mind, as well as our actions, regarding love in the present and in the future.
Get ready to change your beliefs and your actions regarding weight loss today!
This visual meditation program is geared to help awaken and change both the conscious and subconscious mind when it comes to weight loss and weight management.
With daily use and daily practice, we can begin to examine the thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and actions regarding weight loss that we need to let go of…
And then at the same time, create the “feeling base “, to create a radically changed life.
A life where we no longer worry about our weight, our health and more.
When we align the conscious and subconscious mind, emotional eating and other self sabotaging behaviors will end for good.
When we align the conscious and subconscious mind through this program, anxiety and worry regarding our weight becomes a thing of the past, as we become more secure in regards to our beliefs, thoughts and actions regarding weight loss and weight management.
Take advantage of this program today, as we learn how to change the mind as well as our actions regarding our weight loss, weight management and our bodies.
According to most studies, approximately 60% of Americans struggle with sleep on a daily basis.
Worry. Anxiety. Frustration. Resentments. Shame. Guilt.
There are 1 million different emotions, behaviors, and belief systems that can actually interfere with deep sleep.
In this beautiful and relaxing visual meditation for Deep Sleep program, David Essel takes you through the stages necessary to let go of thoughts that interfere with sleep and at the same time re-plant those thoughts with encouraging words that will help us go deeply into a relaxed state.
Through this program, we are marrying both the conscious and subconscious mind, to start to accept statements that will deepen our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Use this program consistently for 90 straight days, and you’ll begin to notice a difference in the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep as well as the length of sleep that you get every evening.
Changing the subconscious mind, where at one point it may have been anxious about sleep, worrying about sleep, and frustrated that we’re not getting enough sleep… Can be done if we stay consistent with this visual meditation program.
( As a sidenote, remember to stop all caffeine at noon, all sugar by 2 PM, and reduce/eliminate alcohol if you have a hard time on a regular basis falling and staying asleep. )
We know this program works, because thousands of people before you have followed David‘s voice through a variety of different meditation programs to help them accomplish the goal of achieving deep sleep every evening.
Follow the program, stay consistent, and you will reap the benefits of more energy, and a better attitude that all come from getting a great nights sleep.
Counseling, Life and Business Coaching sessions are done one-on-one with David either by telephone or in person. Approximately 80% of his one-on-one counseling and coaching sessions have been done via the phone since 1992. For coaching sessions in person, David has offices in Ft. Myers and Naples, Florida. David will personally “coach” you to greater levels of success. His vast personal and business experiences and knowledge of additional resources help you to accomplish the most important goals of your life. David is compassionate, confidential, energizing and committed to helping you succeed.
What type of people does David coach?
Since 1992 David has counseled and coached people from all walks of life: physicians, housewives, teachers, high school and college students, single moms and dads, couples, musicians, actors, ministers, business owners, real estate agents, psychotherapists and mental health counselors, financial planners, athletes, and more.
DAVID ESSEL’S personal mission is to inspire individuals to effortlessly recognize their own unique gifts and to become more alive, successful and happy in every area of their lives.
David works by phone, Skype, Zoom, with clients from anywhere in the world, or in person at 1 of the 2 offices below:
Sanibel Island, Florida:
David works with annual and snow bird residents, as well as vacationers to this gorgeous island! Text or call 941.266.7676 for fastest response.