Counseling and Coaching for Every Area of Life!

Counseling and Coaching for Every Area of Life!

We are here to help, with any goal or any challenge, that you are facing today.

Special Offers Available!

Check our packages below.

The current economic times are creating immense struggle and stress for  many individuals around the world today.

When great challenges like this happens, David has always made himself available to help those in need.

In 2007, when we had the massive real estate market meltdown, David once again offered “financial scholarships” just like he is doing today, to help people continue to heal and accomplish their most important goals during these uncertain times.

These scholarships will be available for a limited time, until the economy returns to normal, so now is the perfect time to book your sessions with David today.

We know how crucial accountability is to life changes, to dropping old habits or picking up new ones, so David  created programs that are constantly being updated with the latest research in science and psychology, giving you the most powerful tools necessary to change your life now . 

With David, you are never alone.

Have you ever struggled in any of these areas?

  • Creating lasting love
  • Enhancing financial success
  • Managing stress
  • Persistent or returning negative attitude
  • Recovering from unhealthy relationships
  • Rebuilding after divorce or loss of a love relationship
  • Saving a Marriage or relationship
  • Recovering from an affair
  • Addiction/Recovery
  • Building a deeper spiritual foundation
  • Dealing with crisis and chaos
  • Procrastination
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Freedom from sexual addictions
  • Healing from the loss of a love relationship
  • Communication problems at home or work
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Healing parent or sibling relationships
  • Confidence
  • Work/life balance

  • Grief recovery
  • Healing after divorce
  • Finding your focus, your mission in life
  • Sticking with an exercise program
  • Lack of energy
  • Lack of focus in your career goals
  • Job interviewing skills
  • Rebuilding after bankruptcy or foreclosure
  • Deciding on supplements for your health needs
  • Sports enhancement
  • Public speaking
  • Television hosting skills
  • Radio hosting skills
  • Writing skills
  • Teenagers struggling with negative attitudes
  • Teenagers in search of personal identity
  • Creating divine union with yourself
  • Creating divine union with your partner
  • Learning the art of meditation

Quotation mark

"I am beyond grateful to have come across David Essel's work, particularly his profound "One Thing" theory. You do not often encounter life coaches/counselors whose insights truly resonate and bring about tangible, lasting changes in your life, but David Essel is one of those rare gems.  can confidently say that David Essel's "One Thing" theory has been instrumental in shaping the life I lead today. Whether you're seeking to enhance your relationships, career, or personal growth, I wholeheartedly recommend tapping into David's wisdom and guidance. Your future self will thank you for it.  Thank you, David, for sharing your invaluable insights and for being a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals, myself included."

Michele Hylton-Terry

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FREE 20-Minute Discovery
Call with David!

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Option 1

(A Savings of $1,300)

These financial scholarships will be available, until our economy rebounds back to normal, in the future. Space is limited, sign up now!

(All sessions purchased are good for one year from purchase date. If not used by that time, they do expire. Programs are non-refundable.)

Option 2-A

If inflation has not extremely affected your income, we ask you to pay the normal price which enables us to help others who are currently struggling.

Programs are non-refundable

(Payment plans are available for the regularly-priced  programs.)

Option 2-B

Eight 60-Minute Sessions with David!

This special is for people who want to work one-on-one with David, but are currently facing the challenges of inflation. David is ready to help you right now.

Gift Certificates Available!

If you know someone who is struggling, and you would like to purchase sessions to help them heal, contact us directly and we will help you set it up so that they get the help they need, one-on-one with David!


Counseling, Life and Business Coaching sessions are done one-on-one with David either by telephone or in person. Approximately 80% of his one-on-one counseling and coaching sessions have been done via the phone since 1992. For coaching sessions in person, David has offices in Ft. Myers and Naples, Florida. David will personally “coach” you to greater levels of success. His vast personal and business experiences and knowledge of additional resources help you to accomplish the most important goals of your life. David is compassionate, confidential, energizing and committed to helping you succeed.

What type of people does David coach?
Since 1992 David has counseled and coached people from all walks of life: physicians, housewives, teachers, high school and college students, single moms and dads, couples, musicians, actors, ministers, business owners, real estate agents, psychotherapists and mental health counselors, financial planners, athletes, and more.

DAVID ESSEL’S personal mission is to inspire individuals to effortlessly recognize their own unique gifts and to become more alive, successful and happy in every area of their lives.

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