Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse: How to Thrive Beginning Today


"Every 92 seconds, someone is sexually abused in the United States."

- RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest
mNational Network)

"90% of child abuse is committed by someone the child knows well."
- National Center for missing
and exploited children

The tragedy of any type of sexual abuse or sexual assault can live with the victims forever… Unless they work through every emotion known to man in order to release the past, and thrive in the future.

(This course is also important for the family, as well as intimate partners of anyone who has experienced sexual abuse, by receiving a deeper understanding of what this victim has gone through and how they can play a role in the healing.)

Some of the symptoms, or manifestations of sexual abuse, sexual assault and more:

  • Insomnia, trouble with sleeping.
  • Agoraphobia. In the worst case scenario, some people who have gone through sexual abuse will become confined and/or isolated to their homes, many times for years .
  • Dysfunctional relationships. Many victims of sexual abuse will have a hard time creating and committing to deep friendships, and intimate relationships should actually be out of the question until they’ve gone through a full healing phase.
    Fear of abandonment, rejection, criticism… Extremely poor body image… There are so many negative end results of sexual abuse, that we are here to help people recover from.
  • Addiction. This can be addiction to food, nicotine, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, shopping… Anything to distract the victim from remembering, or re-experiencing their sexual abuse can be nullified at least temporarily through the world of addiction.
  • Sexual promiscuity. Some victims of sexual abuse will become extremely promiscuous, imagining that the only value they bring to this world is their sexual activity and or body… Hence losing their integrity and turning their identity over to something that will continue to create chaos and drama throughout their entire lives unless they commit to doing the work.

Anyone who commits to doing the work, we have seen in the past 30 years, can heal completely and MoveOn to a very fresh, and strong start in life.

The identity of the victim. Many sexual abuse victims carry with themselves for the rest of their lives, extremely low self-confidence and self-esteem that can be demonstrated in the world of victimhood.

In this scenario, the reason we’re unhappy, the reason we struggle with our body and/or weight, the reason we struggle with relationships, the reason we struggle with money, the reason we struggle with career is because we have been victims in life… And while this is all true, if we don’t release the victim mentality, our life will become one of shambles, never enough, and never healthy.

PTSD symptoms. This is extremely common and almost guaranteed with all sexual abuse cases, where the person feels under incredible stress on a daily basis.

A loud noise, the wrong type of movie or radio show or traffic jam can send them back into a spiral of recall when it comes to what they went through as a victim of sexual abuse.

Depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder and disassociation are often many times common place in the person who has suffered from sexual abuse.

While there are many more symptoms of someone who has been sexually abused , the above is just a starting point.

I think one of the greatest benefits of the #metoomovement  is the fact that now we are looking at all of the aspects of sexual abuse with a magnifying glass.

And it’s about time. Sexual assault, abuse, incest, rape and sex trafficking can obviously destroy the lives of so many people… If we aren’t asking for help in our recovery from these Horrendous experiences.

For the past 30 years, we have assisted individuals from any and all of the above circumstances, to reach a state of healing, to reach a state of inner peace and at the same time boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.

Incest. One of our clients came to us for help after being sexually molested and abused by her father from the age of 11 to 21. She had gained an immense amount of weight, had stayed  away from any intimate relationships whatsoever for 20 years before she walked into my office at the age of 41. After taking our program listed here, she came out the other side a totally healed woman, had reached forgiveness of her father. She had decided not to interact with him, but rather after our work together, became a silent advocate for many women today who have struggled with incest as well.

Another client from Australia, couldn’t understand why she chose men who emotionally and/or physically abused her for her entire adult life. In our working together, we are able to unearth a series of experiences she had with her uncle from the age of 8 to 12, that made her extremely uncomfortable around men. At family gatherings, he would be her shadow, following her around in the house, or in the backyard, pretending to play games with her when in actuality he was leering  at her , And making incredibly uncomfortable comments on a regular basis. At one time he actually cornered her in her bedroom, and convinced her to lay on the bed with him… While he did not physically molest her, he emotionally molested her for 30 minutes by speaking to her in a tone that was incredibly inappropriate and made her feel anxious and uneasy. At this stage, she did not feel comfortable mentioning this to her family, instead suppressed it, until we worked together. After our work, she was clear, and started moving forward in the world of healthy dating.

Rape. Another client, who was brutally raped, became agoraphobic and did not leave her house for eight years. After working with a variety of counselors, she finally decided to contact me and to see if I could offer her anything different that might help relieve the extreme stress, PTSD and more that she was under. When we met  she was taking a large amount of Xanax, Ambien, and antidepressants  every day prescribed by her physician, to help her numb the memories of the brutal rape she went through. In our year of working together, she ended up making incredible progress, as a matter of fact her progress was so profound that at the end of this,  she was off of all medications, and traveling once again around the country on her own, something she never thought she would ever do again. Three years after working together, she contacted me to ask for help in learning how to get back into the world of dating, in which she had met a man that she became very friendly with but was so insecure she was not quite sure of what to do next to acknowledge her emotions. We were together for another month, allowing her to become stronger and to see her own self-esteem and confidence rise to the occasion, where she was open to be back in a relationship again… Sometimes a very rare feat for individuals who have gone through any and all forms of sexual abuse.

Spousal abuse. Over the past 30 years we have worked with hundreds of women who have been emotionally and or physically abused in their marriages and or relationships. The numbers are too large to count, however, I can tell you that understanding the role that codependency plays in intimate relationships, and why we stay in the abuse environment, is crucial for the client to understand in order to heal. And what is unknown to many, emotional abuse in an intimate relationship can be as damaging as physical abuse. One of my clients was married to an alcoholic, who would constantly put her down, tear down her self-esteem, and then tell her without him she is a nobody. For 25 years she bought the story, until we were together, and it was only then that she was able to recognize her role, that by staying in the relationship she was telling her husband it was OK for him to mistreat her. 12 months later, she was totally free of the abuse, went through a divorce and started her life all over again from scratch, and today, she is thriving in this world. In my 30 years of experience, I have yet to meet anyone who has gone through any form of sexual abuse who has healed, and is thriving by doing it on their own.

We all need professional support, we all need professional help, and with the right help and support, the very kind of support that we offer through this program, we can rise above the past tragedies and dramas, and create the life we’ve always desired.

Do not wait. Don’t delay another day. Reach out to us today and we will help you to create the life you desire, and deserve.

Over the past 30 years, David has worked with victims of sexual abuse, assault, incest, rape from all over the world.

He has been the featured speaker numerous times at various women shelters and sexual abuse events, helping other counselors to become more powerful advocates and healers for women and children who stay at these facilities.

“It had been 20 years since I’ve spoken to anyone about the sexual molestation I endured by my father from the ages of 11 to 21. I decided to work with David after he was recommended to me by a fellow victim/survivor, and it was one of the best moves I could ever make. Within a short 12 months, I had come to a full forgiveness of myself, my own shame and guilt I had carried for over 20 years, and surprisingly, during this length of time with David I actually came to a complete forgiveness of my father. I have struggled with extreme weight gain all my life, and it built a barricade around myself from a man, as I have not been in the dating scene for over 15 years. That all changed when I worked with David. He is confidential, extremely intelligent in the working of the mind, and freedom was my end result. I highly recommend him.”

- Rachel C.

"I was brutally raped over 20 years ago, and spent 15 years struggling with agoraphobia , and eventually became addicted to the anti-anxiety medication and the sleep medication that I desperately so needed at the time. Survival was my only desire, and I could not find a counselor they could bring me from the depths of despair I was feeling at the time until I met David. He took me through a process that he calls desensitization, it was a lot of work, but I knew I had to do something different in order to break the chains that had  locked  me inside my house. After nine months, I was free. Off of all medication, and actually out of my house and traveling once again… Something I had never done since the night of my rape. I had followed David for 10 years in his career, and it took me that long to be brave enough to reach out and ask for help. His system is different, and absolutely works, and I have referred many people to him since the day that I became free. Thank you.”

- Denise, NYC

"At the age of 55, looking back at all of my dysfunctional relationships, I couldn’t figure out why I had chosen one abusive man after another… Either emotional or sometimes even physically abusive man. I have tried a variety of counselors and therapists in the past, but no one could get to the core of my behavior until I started working with David. Within six months we had to hit on a topic that I had repressed, very common in sexual abuse survivors, from my childhood. The favorite uncle of the family, ever since I was eight years of age, would leer at me, and make sexual comments when no one is around that made me incredibly uncomfortable. Because everyone loved him so much, I couldn’t bear the responsibility of trying to talk to my mother or father about the comments that he was making, and how he followed me around so closely whenever he came to visit, consistently asking me to sit on his lap which felt really uncomfortable. Understanding this experience, and then through David’s teachings learning how to release my anger and rage at man, totally changed my perspective on love and dating, and allowed me to finally learn how to choose a healthy partner to be with in life. We hear this all the time, “this guy’s program is very different“, and maybe it is sometimes with other counselors, but it was extremely different with David… He lead me down the road to become free of the past, and learn how to live mind fully in the present, and I could not be here without his help.” 

- Tina, Australia

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If inflation has not extremely affected your income, we ask you to pay the normal price which enables us to help others who are currently struggling.

During the three month 1 on 1 program, you will only work with the number one executive coach in the world, David. You will also have access with David five days a week via text , along with your weekly one hour session via phone, zoom or in person. Just the normal 30 day in treatment center is approximately $30,000, so strongly consider working with David from anywhere in the world, with any addiction that needs to be changed.

Programs are non-refundable

(Payment plans are available for the regularly-priced programs.)

Option 3

3-Month Program with David!

This special is for people who want to work one-on-one with David, but are currently facing the challenges of inflation. David is ready to help you right now.

Gift Certificates Available!

If you know someone who is struggling, and you would like to purchase sessions to help them heal, contact us directly and we will help you set it up so that they get the help they need, one-on-one with David!


Counseling, Life and Business Coaching sessions are done one-on-one with David either by telephone or in person. Approximately 80% of his one-on-one counseling and coaching sessions have been done via the phone since 1992. For coaching sessions in person, David has offices in Ft. Myers and Naples, Florida. David will personally “coach” you to greater levels of success. His vast personal and business experiences and knowledge of additional resources help you to accomplish the most important goals of your life. David is compassionate, confidential, energizing and committed to helping you succeed.

What type of people does David coach?
Since 1992 David has counseled and coached people from all walks of life: physicians, housewives, teachers, high school and college students, single moms and dads, couples, musicians, actors, ministers, business owners, real estate agents, psychotherapists and mental health counselors, financial planners, athletes, and more.

DAVID ESSEL’S personal mission is to inspire individuals to effortlessly recognize their own unique gifts and to become more alive, successful and happy in every area of their lives.

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