While there has been a huge focus on the addiction with alcohol,
for the past 30+ years David ALSO is an expert in all of the following addictions, helping people get sober for life:
food addiction, sex, porn, pot, street drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, social media addiction, video addiction,
news addiction, codependency, caffeine, sugar. And the list goes on.
Watch David's interview with Recovery Today Magazine
The current economic times are creating immense struggle and stress for many individuals around the world today.
When great challenges like this happens, David has always made himself available to help those in need.
In 2007, when we had the massive real estate market meltdown, David once again offered “financial scholarships” just like he is doing today, to help people continue to heal and accomplish their most important goals during these uncertain times.
These scholarships will be available for a limited time, until the economy returns to normal, so now is the perfect time to book your sessions with David today.
We know how crucial accountability is to life changes, to dropping old habits or picking up new ones, so David created programs that are constantly being updated with the latest research in science and psychology, giving you the most powerful tools necessary to change your life now .
With David, you are never alone.
A New Approach to Go Beyond “The Steps” to Peace, Health, and Joy for Busy Executives, and YOU!
It’s time for permanent recovery! And this book, is your starting point!
This statement… “Once an alcoholic or addict, always an alcoholic or addict“, is absolutely false!
If you are in a current program, or have been in one in the past, that makes statements like the above, or that you must keep returning to that program or you’re going to go out into your old Addiction… You are being fed major lies in life.
Join David, as he brings an incredibly refreshing approach to long-term recovery.
Anyone, can recover from any Addiction for the rest of their lives… Following David’s program.
While there has been a huge focus on the addiction with alcohol,
for the past 30+ years David has also worked with all of the following addictions, helping people get sober for life:
food addiction, sex, porn, pot, street drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, social media addiction, video addiction,
news addiction, codependency, caffeine, sugar. And the list goes on.
David will take you through the most effective addiction recovery course on the market today!
David regularly updates this work to include the most powerful teaching tools in the world of recovery… to help you or your clients become sober from any addiction in the world…. for life!
This course is perfect for two different audiences:
Let’s face it: The world of addiction recovery is so ineffective, that most programs only offer a 10% success rate…disgusting!
And the reason for this? Almost everyone is using recovery protocol that was developed 80 years ago and never updated!
One of the things that separates, “Permanent Alcohol and life recovery program“, from most other programs, is that we fully believe that the depth of counseling, one on one, is really needed for most of us in the world of addiction recovery when we’re looking to be recovered for life.
As I mentioned above, the biggest difference in the world was when I got out of the treatment center and had someone, a professional, holding my feet to the fire for 52 weeks in a row.
This is what got me through the most difficult first year of sobriety. We will do the same thing for you. I am the only one that works with clients in my practice, so when you join, it will be you and I one on one, bringing you into this incredible world of permanent , Life, recovery!
David Essel was selected as one of the top 10 addiction coaches by Coach Foundation.
“David Essel is a new pioneer in permanent Alcohol and Addiction Recovery.”
- Rob Hannley Editor in Chief Recovery Today Magazine
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Not using alcohol, and not using drugs is a game changer.
Within two weeks of not using any substances, I began thinking differently, looking differently and acting differently.
Thinking with more clarity. People even began treating me differently.
Two weeks into sobriety, it was the weekend and time to wind down.
I started to get this urge, “a couple lines of Coke and a couple Bourbons would be so great right now… To celebrate the good week I just had.” But, it’s not an option! I need clarity.
My subconscious may try to trick me into thinking the substances will give me clarity, but they won’t. If I want to be the next me, the better me, if I want to raise my career to the next level, I need to bring it! And drugs and alcohol cannot be an option for me anymore.
There’s no turning back.
David’s program has not only been a game changer for me, but it’s been a complete life changer! This guy really knows what he’s doing.
Kristopher Rossman, Executive Sales Leader
I was a social drinker in my 30s, but it progressed overtime, and in my 40s and for the next 10 years went from weekends to daily. At the end, I could not do anything without a drink. I do believe you can permanently recover from alcoholism.
For me it takes to remind myself it’s a daily reprieve from alcohol. I have to keep spiritually fed, give my time to another alcoholic and keep myself connected to AA. I know working with David, started keeping myself accountable, learning to acquire the tools I needed to stay sober and doing whatever it takes for as long as it takes to recover.
David’s program gave me the confidence I needed and helped me reprogram my days, to focus on leaning on the good things, instead of alcohol. I know without David’s coaching, that allowed me to be a success in AA, and to maintain my sobriety, would not have been possible.
Before that, AA was not enough to keep me sober. I was able to work one on one with David and he was able to help me get rid of resentments that were holding back my recovery. I would highly recommend David’s coaching for anything you need to change in your life, it definitely work for me.
Patty Palumbo, Health and Healing Expert
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Sex and Porn Addiction
"As a medical professional, in charge of a large hospital system, I was called into the President's office as he showed me that I had been late 14 of the last 16 workdays! He was so upset, Here I am #2 in this system, coming in late. Why? my sex addiction. I hired David to save my job, but he did much more than that! He explained that with sex or porn addiction, my brain was highjacked.......and he led me down that pathway to full recovery. I was addicted to porn, phone sex and regular sex. I was late to work because the addiction has me! Now, 15 years later, I owe it all to David. He saved my job, more importantly, my life. He is always ahead of his time!"
"As a 28 year old man, i could not have regular sex with my girlfriend anymore because of my porn addiction. As David explained, the addiction to new bodies, fetishes, etc that porn gives away for free, destroyed my ability for regular sex!!! She thought i was cheating, and David said i was, by hiding behind her back my addiction. FINALLY!!!! After working with David i have not looked at porn in 1 year, and my girlfriend and i are having the best sex and the best relationship ever. She thinks i owe David much more than i paid him, because of my complete recovery. and i agree!!"
Deborah H.
Social Media, Video Game Addiction
"When I FINALLY got the courage to call David, i was shaking. For 5 years, i had a 15 hour addiction to being on social media or instantly playing video games for hours! I had no life!! I looked exhausted, because i was. My relationships were terrible, or non existent. i had gained weight. i was always in a bad mood. DAVID!!! knows his stuff! i am fully free, i have discarded all but 1 social media platform, and gave up video games for the gym, and my body transformed beautifully. Now i sleep great, have made awesome friends at the gym, none, none, none of this would had been possible without David. Do not wait lie i did! Reach out to him now."
Thank you for signing up for a FREE 20-minute Permanent Alcohol/Addiction/Life Recovery Discovery Call with David! David will be in touch with you soon.
If inflation has not extremely affected your income, we ask you to pay the normal price which enables us to help others who are currently struggling.
During this one-on-one program, you will only work with the number one executive coach in the world, David. You will also have access with David five days a week via text , along with your weekly one hour session via phone, zoom or in person. Just the normal 30 day in treatment center is approximately $30,000, so strongly consider working with David from anyway where in the world, with any addiction that needs to be changed.
Programs are non-refundable
(Payment plans are available for the regularly-priced programs.)
This special is for people who want to work one-on-one with David, but are currently facing the challenges of inflation. David is ready to help you right now.
Gift Certificates Available!
If you know someone who is struggling, and you would like to purchase sessions to help them heal, contact us directly and we will help you set it up so that they get the help they need, one-on-one with David!
If you have the capability to pay the normal price for David’s 52-week program, the cost is $30,000, which you can pay in full or pay by the month with a fee of $2,500 per month for 12 consecutive months.
(All sessions purchased are good for one year from purchase date. If not used by that time, they do expire. Programs are non-refundable.)
Counseling, Life and Business Coaching sessions are done one-on-one with David either by telephone or in person. Approximately 80% of his one-on-one counseling and coaching sessions have been done via the phone since 1992. For coaching sessions in person, David has offices in Ft. Myers and Naples, Florida. David will personally “coach” you to greater levels of success. His vast personal and business experiences and knowledge of additional resources help you to accomplish the most important goals of your life. David is compassionate, confidential, energizing and committed to helping you succeed.
What type of people does David coach?
Since 1992 David has counseled and coached people from all walks of life: physicians, housewives, teachers, high school and college students, single moms and dads, couples, musicians, actors, ministers, business owners, real estate agents, psychotherapists and mental health counselors, financial planners, athletes, and more.
DAVID ESSEL’S personal mission is to inspire individuals to effortlessly recognize their own unique gifts and to become more alive, successful and happy in every area of their lives.
David works by phone, Skype, Zoom, with clients from anywhere in the world, or in person at 1 of the 2 offices below:
Sanibel Island, Florida:
David works with annual and snow bird residents, as well as vacationers to this gorgeous island! Text or call 941.266.7676 for fastest response.