Co-Dependency Kills

Co-Dependency Kills

Codependency undermines love relationships.

It destroys our self-esteem and self-confidence as we strive to be liked by others as well as staying away from “rocking the boat” in our personal and work relationships. It is our co-dependent nature that keeps us returning to food, alcohol, nicotine, workaholic ways and drugs.

Co-dependency keeps us entwined and returning to unhealthy love relationships, friendships and even family members.

For 25 years, David has helped thousands of people to shatter their co-dependent ways…now it’s your turn!

In this course, you will discover:

  • The various definitions of the word codependency.
  • The origins of this condition/disease.
  • The many faces of codependency that occur in relationships, within belief systems, as well as with a variety of substances and behaviors that we use in order to avoid the reality called life.
  • How living in codependency destroys our self-esteem as well as our confidence in life.
  • How to spot codependent characteristics in our children, partners, family members and friends. Not in order to heal them, but for our own awareness.
  • If you have children, how to help children recognize the problems that come from living a codependent life that often present themselves in such things as peer pressure.
  • The benefits of releasing codependency from any and all relationships, at home, in the family, with friends and in the workplace.
  • The steps and proven tools that will lead you from the codependent, into the independent and interdependent life.

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Option 1


FREE 20-Minute Discovery
Call with David!

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Option 2

If inflation has not extremely affected your income, we ask you to pay the normal price which enables us to help others who are currently struggling.

During this one-on-one program, you will only work with the number one executive coach in the world, David. You will also have access with David five days a week via text , along with your weekly one hour session via phone, zoom or in person. Just the normal 30 day in treatment center is approximately $30,000, so strongly consider working with David from anyway where in the world, with any addiction that needs to be changed.

Programs are non-refundable

(Payment plans are available for the regularly-priced programs.)

Option 3

3-Month Program with David!

This special is for people who want to work one-on-one with David, but are currently facing the challenges of inflation. David is ready to help you right now.

Gift Certificates Available!

If you know someone who is struggling, and you would like to purchase sessions to help them heal, contact us directly and we will help you set it up so that they get the help they need, one-on-one with David!


Counseling, Life and Business Coaching sessions are done one-on-one with David either by telephone or in person. Approximately 80% of his one-on-one counseling and coaching sessions have been done via the phone since 1992. For coaching sessions in person, David has offices in Ft. Myers and Naples, Florida. David will personally “coach” you to greater levels of success. His vast personal and business experiences and knowledge of additional resources help you to accomplish the most important goals of your life. David is compassionate, confidential, energizing and committed to helping you succeed.

What type of people does David coach?
Since 1992 David has counseled and coached people from all walks of life: physicians, housewives, teachers, high school and college students, single moms and dads, couples, musicians, actors, ministers, business owners, real estate agents, psychotherapists and mental health counselors, financial planners, athletes, and more.

DAVID ESSEL’S personal mission is to inspire individuals to effortlessly recognize their own unique gifts and to become more alive, successful and happy in every area of their lives.

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