Digestive issues are the issues no one wants to talk about, so they stay hidden, behind the scene, and when we are trying to ignore them they only become worse over time.
Constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome. Gas, bloating. Craving unhealthy foods.
The list goes on and on and on.
So what should we do?
Number one best selling author, counselor and minister David Essel has been helping individuals before and during the pandemic overcome digestive issues.
Below, David outlined some of the causes and cures they can have you moving in a positive direction in as little as 30 days!
”The pandemic has brought upon everyone incredible stress, along with our recent insanity during the election.
And with this stress, our bodies manifest it in many different ways but one of the biggest ways that we are seeing in our practice is that the pandemic and the stress from this time is affecting people by the massive increase in digestive issues that our clients are facing.
During stressful times, most of us don’t pay close attention to what we eat, what we drink, and the stress-related lifestyle that we all are living in.
So over time, the body starts to break down, we start to see incredible fatigue, irritability, insomnia, an uptick in addictions, and also a huge uptick in the number of people struggling with digestive issues.
If you’ve ever had constipation that lasted for weeks or months you know how incredibly uncomfortable this is… Or gas and bloating that won’t go away, and many times keeps us awake at night… Or irritable bowel syndrome, many times we don’t know where the restroom is when we need it and that can set us into a a panic.
How do I know all this? Because like millions upon millions of other people, over the last several months some digestive issues that I had not experienced in 20 years came raging back into my life.
And why? Because during the stress of the pandemic I started to go back to a lot of the comfort foods that I eat usually in very small amounts, but I’ve noticed over the last 4 to 5 months I’ve increased dramatically the number of foods that have caused my digestive issues to flare up.
If we start increasing the amount of flour that we eat, the sugar that we eat, alcohol that we drink, we are surely heading for digestive issues.
Intestinal candida, where there is an extreme overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria in the gut can lead to many additional problems as well.
So what are some steps, or solutions for all of these digestive issues?
Number One. If you have serious digestive issues, incredibly serious constipation, or any of the above mentioned digestive tract issues, check with your doctor to make sure that there isn’t something else even more serious going on.
Number Two. Remove alcohol, which can ravage the intestinal system, especially when combined with the stressful times that we are all going through.
Number Three. Remove sugar, junk food, fast food restaurants… All of these are incredibly stressful for the digestive tract to process.
Number Four. You may have to completely remove anything with gluten in it, which at first is a real bear because gluten is in everything from bread to Ketchup.
But when we are increasing the amount of gluten in our diet, and we are filled with stress, and we’re not quite keeping track of all of the bread, crackers, pasta, and other snack foods that we’re consuming, once again you can really wreak havoc on your intestinal system.
Number Five. After removing the foods that can cause these digestive issues, we want to increase our water intake to at least 1 gallon per day to help flush toxins out of our system.
Dramatically increase organic salads, organic vegetables, organic rice, and organic beans to give your body the fiber and nutrient base it really needs.
Number Six. I highly recommend the use of probiotics, healthy bacteria for the gut, that I think we need to be taking all the time but especially during stress. Make sure you look for a product that on the label that says “designed to be released in the intestine, bypassing stomach acid.“
Number Seven. There is a product that I totally love in liquid form that you can find on amazon.com called “Restore“, which is a mild-tasting liquid that you take several teaspoons of a day to increase the integrity of your intestinal system. I had no idea how powerful this product was until a couple of months ago when I started to see my increase in bread, even organic bread and organic crackers, started to bring back some digestive issues I had as I mentioned above 20 years ago.
By doubling up on my probiotics, cutting back on the bread, and adding Restore to my daily routine, it wasn’t more than 3 to 4 days before I saw a dramatic decrease in my own personal digestive issues.
Number Eight. Fiber. This is huge. You can do anything from going to your grocery store and getting something like Metamucil, but what I really like is the psyllium husk capsules that you can get from a variety of nutritional manufacturers, read the label, follow directions because most of us are way behind the fiber count that we need daily which helps move food through the digestive system more easily.
Number Nine. Exercise. Even walking daily can help keep the movement of the digestive process in a positive direction helping to expel the digestive foodstuffs more easily.
Number Ten. Meditation. I know you’re probably thinking… “What?“. But it’s true. When we start to learn how to calm our mind, our bodies benefit immensely by a large decrease in stress that will happen when you meditate even just 10 minutes a day.
Many people take these digestive issues, including heartburn, as just a normal part of aging and that is just absolutely ridiculous.
I’ve had clients recently come in and say “well you know David I just turned 60 so from what I remember with my mom and dad constipation is now just a part of our life for the rest of our life.“
Now that is not a healthy statement. Because, so many conditions that we get as we age is because of incredibly poor lifestyle, diet, choices.
You can turn this around right now. Follow the above steps, and you will find freedom quicker than you could ever imagine.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by organizations such as psychology today, and marriage.com, which has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To work with David one on one from anywhere in the world via phone or Skype, please visit www.DavidEssel.com