This may be one of the most important articles I’ve ever written in my entire life.
For the past 42 years, I have completely dedicated my entire existence to helping people around the world to heal, from every type of mental challenge, physical challenge, relationship challenge, financial challenge, spiritual challenge, and more.
And in my practice, and around the world when I’m interviewed on a daily basis, I hear the same type of comments:
“Well, now we finally have the answer, as long as we all get a third booster shot we will be safe in this pandemic…… Thank God I’m vaccinated, now I don’t have to worry about anything…… Now with the vaccinations, we can combine different companies’ vaccinations in order to eliminate negative effects from the virus….. thank God with the vaccine, I can go back to the games I love in football stadiums, I can return to my churches without worrying about anything at all…“
The above statements have come from my clients who are doctors, nurses, attorneys, multi-millionaires, single moms, single dads, retirees, even first responders have given some of the comments above which makes no sense to me at all.
Here’s proof of my point: just last night, watching an NFL game with the Chicago Bears they mentioned at the beginning of the game: “a large number of the Chicago Bears starting defensive team will not be playing tonight because they are in the virus protocol“
Now think about this. In that stadium could be 70,000 fans packed together, some wearing masks, some not, some vaccinated, some not… And according to a very good friend who is an infection immunologist physician, “there is a false sense of security with the vaccinations, our country is completely confused, and they should be. As medical professionals, we are changing our definition of the effects of vaccination on a daily basis.
Even as a specialist for all these years, when I hear other medical professionals making these types of comments, “that at least with the fourth booster shot we will be fine, or now that we can cross vaccinate with other companies we’ll be fine“, I find all of this complete insanity. No matter how many vaccinations, no matter how many booster shots people get, they are still getting the virus. That tells us we are barking up the wrong tree. I believe that the vaccine should be an important part of the protocol, but there are too many other factors that we’re not taking into consideration, there are too many other factors were not paying attention to, and I do not believe the vaccine alone has proven that they can do what we had hoped in the beginning it might do.“
Now that is from a medical expert, the only person I go to when I want the real information about what’s going on in this country.
So what’s the answer? Here’s this number one best-selling author, minister, and counselor, who is writing this article, and is stopping in the middle of it and making a point: the answer is to stop relying on the vaccines and the medical community to help us all heal from this pandemic.
We need to take self-responsibility!
And what does that mean?
Number One. False hope with the vaccine is at an all-time high. Yet, we’re not paying attention to the fact that 85% of this country is overweight and obese, of course leading to further complications for these individuals versus people who are of normal weight or even underweight.
So along with getting the vaccine and wearing masks, how about losing weight as a country so we can be healthier moving forward?
Number Two. We all need to get the hell off the news! Every day I have clients on the phone or Skype or in my office that are reiterating what they hear on one of the news channels that happens to be in opposition to what they hear on another news channel.
This creates ongoing anxiety, depression irritability, and more. Conflicting information is killing our country!
Instead of getting all wrapped up in the media, and listening to these opposing views on a daily basis, why don’t we take that time and put it into stress management, take that time, get away from television and put it into saving your relationship, take that time get away from television and put it into healthy practices, clean eating to boost immune system functioning. We’ve got to get away from the insanity in the media if we want to have a chance of regaining our mental health.
Number Three. Social media is a nightmare right now! Get the vaccine if you believe it’s an important part of your existence, and then get the hell off of social media.
We have a number of clients completely addicted to social media, to posting their opinions about the vaccine, posting their opinions about politicians, in other words, we are using social media as a way to increase anxiety, anger, and irritability in this country!
The vaccines will never be the complete answer.
Let me repeat that.
The vaccines will never be the complete answer, they can be an important component for so many people in diminishing serious health consequences, but they will not be the answer.
We have to live smarter as human beings.
We’ve got to decrease stress. Anxiety. Depression. Suicidal ideation. Addictions. Our mental health is in the toilet, and very few people are doing a darn thing about this.
I will be writing more pandemic articles in the near future, I am not an anti-vaccine individual, I am not a pro-vaccine individual, I am a neutral individual who only has one desire: to help this country heal from a mental and physical health perspective, a spiritual perspective and a relationship perspective.
We just recently released probably the most important book I’ve ever written in my life: “Helping Americans Heal: The ultimate guide to healing during these incredibly challenging times.“
This book is filled with incredible tips and information to help us deal with anxiety, divorce, addiction, PTSD, suicide, insomnia, depression and so many other challenges we are facing right now.
We cannot have all of the stress, anxiety, and anger racing through our veins right now and expect us to be in top mental and physical shape while we’re in the middle of the pandemic.
If you’re with me right now the answer is quite simple: follow the above tips, take control back of your life, drop the bad habits we picked up regarding alcohol, drugs, food addiction, sex addiction, the addiction to be right, the addiction to television and social media… and it will lead us out of the insanity we are in right now towards a more normal existence.
My greatest concern? If we don’t take this seriously, just like the recent announcement by governor DeSantis in the state of Florida where he is allocating approximately $12 million for mental health assistance with our veterans, active military, and first responders… in just a couple more years we’re going to have a country filled with addicts of every known addiction. We will have millions of Americans struggling deeply with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and insomnia… We will see an increase in the suicide rates in this country… we will definitely see an increase in the divorce rate… An increase in health problems due to the amount of Americans who are overweight and obese… If we think that we’re struggling right now, we will be in massive mental and physical health jeopardy in just a few more years down the road.
We all need to follow the lead of Governor DeSantis right now, as civilians and take responsibility for the changes we all need to make with our mental, physical, financial, and relationship health. We are here to help.
And even if the pandemic never leaves us, If you follow the above tips, we will be a healthier nation, a healthier country, A healthier world. We will actually see unity once again, as we come together taking care of our individual selves, and encouraging our brothers and sisters in this country to do the same.
The arguing must stop. The division must stop. And when we are in unity, we can heal together emotionally, physically, and in so many areas of our lives that we seem to be at each other‘s throats about right now.
I know we can do this. I am more optimistic now than I’ve ever been since the pandemic started. We can make the internal changes, we can make the external changes, and start to live life quite differently. It is time.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified, by so many organizations like Psychology Today, Therapy Tribe, Theravive, and has verified David is one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To work with David one on one, please visit
To order his brand new book, “Helping Americans Heal“, simply go to