Grieving, as a form of intense love
Grieving is not easy. For most of us, it’s very hard. And for almost all of us, we need a program to follow, a leader to follow, because most of us don’t have a clue of what to do when we have lost a loved one, or a friend, or a coworker and we’re in the state of grieving.
My mom passed away in January of this year, and the grieving started immediately and it won’t be over for a while.
The tears come from time to time unexpectedly. The smile comes every day when I see the cardinal fly into the yard, which I believe is a symbolism of my mom visiting me.
But something hit me the other day when I was in nature, contemplating the concept of grieving, the love of my mom for me, and the love of myself for my mom and I came to a conclusion, that actually was pretty shocking to me.
My grief for my mom is the most intense way I can love her right now!
Does that sound strange? Weird?
But it started to dawn on me, that I think about her every day with love, and sometimes the love comes in smiles and great memories, and sometimes the love comes in tears of missing her.
Sometimes the tears are tears of gratitude. Sometimes they are the tears, tears of pain.
My gratitude and pain tell me that I miss my mom which tells me I love her more than maybe I even realized!
Most of us, including myself, even though I’ve been a counselor and in the world of personal growth for over 42 years, do not have a clue of what grieving really looks like.
But as we go deeper in our exploration of concepts like grieving, we can come up with our own resolution of what it means to us, and now I know for sure this fact: grieving is the highest form of love I can give to my mother.
Grieving is the highest form of love I can give to anyone I know when a member of their family has passed on.
But grieving isn’t always sadness! It isn’t always being angry at God for taking our loved ones! It isn’t always being upset that our loved one is gone.
In my world, I have found that grieving is the greatest way I can tell my mom I love her, let others know how much I love her and support my family in loving her as well even though she’s passed on.
In the pandemic state that we’re in, grieving has increased dramatically, not only because of all the lives lost to the pandemic but because we are emotionally shot, emotionally worn out, emotionally burned out at the same time.
And because 80% of the United States of America is in great emotional pain, reporting that they have not received the emotional support they’ve needed in the last 12 months, we created a brand new program, “Helping Americans Heal!”.
In this program, we will give you tools every week to help you deal with anxiety, depression, grief, addiction, relationship challenges, career and financial challenges and so much more!
And it’s only $9.98 per week! ( please visit
Don’t go through the pandemic any longer without new tools in order to deal with all of the emotional challenges we are facing.
Join our group, reach out to me if I can help you one on one, but let’s get off the fence and into action so that we can all heal together. It is possible.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says, “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified, by so many organizations like Psychology Today, Therapy Tribe, Theravive, and has verified David is one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
Get ready for his brand new book, “Helping Americans Heal“, which was just released, or get more information for the book and to join his program by the same name, or work with David one on one please visit