This article is all about you! Enjoy.
When was the last time you read an article that was all about you?
When was the last time that someone sat down and said, “I want to hear all about your greatness!“?
When was the last time that you actually took the time to write about the amazing things you’ve gone through in life? Maybe the people you’ve met, the places you’ve seen, the challenges you’ve overcome?
So I wanted to write an article all about you!
Why? Because we don’t spend enough time looking within, and seeing how special we really are.
Now if you look at the questions below and answer them honestly, and you cannot find anything great about yourself, that means probably that the “victim mindset“ has taken over the subconscious mind, and you have created an internal program that does not allow you to feel gratitude for who you are.
And how do we overcome this?
This might surprise you by answering the questions below honestly!
Everyone has overcome some type of challenge in life, dig deep, and think about what you’ve overcome.
Maybe it’s becoming a solid mature adult when you didn’t have a solid upbringing in your home.
Maybe you’ve overcome a long-standing addiction.
Maybe you’ve actually volunteered time with the homeless, or the blind, or seniors, or some other group that needed your love.
Anyway, let’s get to this exercise because it’s all about you!
Answer the questions below in writing on a piece of paper. Let’s get to it:
Number One. What challenges, or what major challenge have you overcome in life?
As I stated above, we’ve all overcome challenges, write down each one that you’ve overcome. Maybe it’s being raised in a single-parent household that was a challenge at the time.
Maybe you left a career that was really unhealthy, not knowing what you’re going to do next, yet it turned out to be a good move for you.
Maybe you were in a relationship and decided you would never do counseling, and you went into counseling and you actually saw your role in the dysfunction and started to heal yourself!
You might have 20 great things you’ve overcome, or just one, don’t match and compare yourself with others just be grateful for what you’ve overcome.
Number Two. Who have you helped in life when they really needed you?
A friend? A child? A parent? A partner? A next-door neighbor? A homeless person?
Go deep, you may have helped 1000 people in your life but never thought of it until now.
Number Three. Who was your greatest teacher? Your greatest mentor? Have you reached out to them recently and let them know, even if it’s an elementary school teacher, how much they meant to you?
I was watching an NFL football game the other day, and one of the players was talking about two teachers from elementary school that radically changed his life and he’ll never forget them!
And on national TV they both were honored in his name!
Now we probably won’t have the chance to bring these people on TV, but we do have the opportunity right now with gratitude, to write down those people who have touched us deeply.
Number Four. What gift do you have with you today that was given to you at birth?
Are you a very patient person? Very driven for success? Are you very compassionate? Are you very athletic? Are you very intellectual? Are you very creative?
A lot of times we don’t look at the gifts that we were given at birth because they’ve been with us our whole lives and they don’t seem very special.
But they are special! It’s what makes you, you! It’s why I want to celebrate you today! It’s why I want you to reflect back on how beautiful you are as a human being!
Thank God, my world for the past 42 years has been all about helping people.
And I feel so blessed, I have so much gratitude every day that I can do this work that is my passion.
I have now taken this work outside of the normal population I’ve worked with for 42 years, and we’ve created two new programs I’d love for you to take a look at, and please help promote these programs to people you might know:
Helping Americans Heal and Help Veterans Heal!
Focus is mental health, physical health, emotional health, relationship health, and career health.
Again if you know anyone that could benefit from support, both of these programs are incredibly inexpensive, please feel free to share these sites.
And finally, think about how wonderful you are. What you’ve overcome. Who you’ve met. Who has helped you. Who you have helped.
The more we look at how incredible we are individually, the more we can come together as a nation and as a world.
Self-confidence means everything in regards to healing this planet.
I love you.
David’s work has been highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by so many organizations, Psychology Today, Theravive, Therapy Tribe and has verified David is one of the top relationship experts in the world.
If you need help boosting your confidence, self-esteem, or any other life challenge reach out to David at