Anxiety? Here are five quick steps that really work!
A recent survey said that about 40% of Americans are struggling with anxiety today.
In our personal growth and counseling practice of 42 years, we believe this is way underreported!
According to our estimation, between 60 and 65% of Americans are struggling with anxiety, which can show up in so many different ways:
In other words, when we’re not sure how to deal emotionally with the anxiety created either by ourselves or those around us, we look for ways to avoid dealing with the situation and any of the above steps worked extremely well for a short period of time.
And then, unfortunately, there will be an anxiety rebound, which simply means the anxiety will start to build internally over time until we reach a breaking point.
There are so many different triggers for anxiety, for some people, it’s watching a report on the news about the pandemic, for someone else, it’s looking at their financial statements and realizing they’re way behind with payments, for others it could be constant arguing with their children or their partner.
Other people will see that their recent weight gain will create anxiety, or a recent medical report from their doctor on cholesterol or blood pressure or high blood sugar could create anxiety as well.
So what can we do?
Number One. Take a break. Start to write down all the things you’re anxious about or worried about and then write next to those, if they are “in my control“, or, “out of my control.“
Now, this might seem pretty obvious to a lot of people, but the power of this exercise is beyond measure.
When you write down next to something that’s creating anxiety or worry, that it is out of your control, take a big breath and put a line through it, X it out, scribble all over it.
And then when you come to something that’s creating anxiety that’s in your control, write down next to that trigger what you can do to alleviate it.
We can start to minimize anxiety with this one simple tool.
Number Two. The supplement tryptophan is a very powerful relaxant and helps by enhancing the work of serotonin in our body.
Number three. When the feeling of anxiety or worry starts to come on, you simply take 10 deep breathes, which helps to calm the Vagus nerve which will decrease your anxiety within a few seconds.
Number Four. The essential oil of lavender is an incredibly powerful relaxant. Grab a bottle of 100% essential lavender oil, and when the anxiety starts to build simply take 10 deep inhalations. Take the cap off the bottle and breathe in deeply through your nose 10 times, lavender has a beautiful and relaxing effect on the brain.
Number Five. Work with a professional to find the origin of your anxiety. Is it mainly surrounding those things that might happen in the future? Are you beating yourself up for things that happened in the past? Are you following a role model from childhood, maybe a mom or a dad that was always anxious, and you just picked up their habits simply by being around them for 18 years?
Working with a professional can help you find the origin and once you find the origin of your anxiety we can logically start to create a pathway to freedom.
In the last couple of years, I’ve personally worked with so many people from all over the world who struggle deeply with anxiety, several of these people had actually turned agoraphobic, where they were afraid to leave their home for more than an hour at a time.
But in our work together we found the origin, we used many of the tools I listed above, and within just a few short months this person was back in control of their life and living freely.
If you’d like to work with me one on one from anywhere in the world, simply send us an email via
Also do not forget that we are giving away 500,000 memberships to our inspirational online program, “Helping Americans Heal.“
Simply go to the website,
Sign up FREE for the program, and every Monday you’ll receive an email with articles like this one, videos, and interviews, as well as online video courses to help everyone heal.
Anxiety is all around us but by following the above tips we can begin to live a much more peaceful and grounded existence.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says, “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified, by so many organizations like Psychology Today, Therapy Tribe, Theravive, and has verified David is one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
David is available at
If you are interested, we have another article to help add calm to your life…