For Immediate Release — April 8, 2021
I am so proud to share today the letter below from one of my clients, who has worked so hard over the last number of months to diminish her general anxiety disorder, her panic attacks and so much more!
My clients work their butts off, which is why they have the incredible success they have. I can only lead them via tools, assignments, and questions, but they must do the deep work to heal whether it’s an addiction, depression, anxiety, relationship issue, financial issue, or more.
Read this client story below, and understand this can be Your Life too!
You’re going to have to do the work, but as you’ll see, it sure is worth it.
Love David.
I am a spirited, 72 year “young” female, with successes in both my personal and professional lives. But in September 2020, I gradually started to feel waves of anxiety and anxiousness. I wasn’t sleeping well, I was starting to lose my appetite and I lost interest in everything that used to give me pleasure and those “warm fuzzies”. I could not focus on anything and my thoughts were all negative. I felt like I was at the end of a rope, hanging from a cliff. I could either let go and fall or…climb up the rope with all my power which I was slowly losing.
I visited my internist and he ran all sorts of tests only to conclude that physically everything checked out perfectly. He spent quality time with me, talking through every possible scenario. After numerous office visits and phone calls, sometimes in the middle of the night, he suggested I see David Essel, a master life coach, and counselor or check into a treatment center to be assessed. Well, the latter was not going to happen! I was determined to beat this anxiety and depression by being home in familiar surroundings with my totally supportive husband and fighting to be healthy by working with David. This is when my life changed.
At the first appointment with David, I was a wreck. I was all over the place, explaining the negative thoughts, the anxiety, the headaches, the crying, loss of appetite, and on and on. He never looked startled or surprised, just very supportive and compassionate. I could tell he was listening and totally understood my feelings like he’d been there, done that. I felt understood. I knew right then, I was with the right person to help me through this low ebb of my life.
It was my decision to see David twice a week. I needed his support and the homework assignments he would give me each visit. Yes, homework assignments! How else can you get well if you don’t work at it? How do you learn without doing the work? I wanted to be myself again. I needed to be there for my husband and my family. He slowly introduced the tools of journaling, meditation, prayer, CBT, and exercise to flip my brain to positive thoughts and feelings. And he explained that these tools must be become part of my daily routine, like brushing my teeth. I was ready to get to work.
At first, I didn’t even know how to journal but I began by writing down anything that popped into my head. It has gradually become the first thing I now do when I wake up. So far, I have four journals filled with my writings, notes from my visits with David, and of course, my homework assignments. Morning meditation is next on my agenda. I search YouTube to find the voices and the words that feel comfortable for me. David gives me numerous suggestions to try. Prayer fits in with my journaling and my exercise routine. I do more journaling and meditation anytime I can find the time. I even carry my journal everywhere I go! Evening meditation is the last tool I use before I sleep. It sets my subconscious on a healthy path. And if I feel a negative thought or feeling slip into my thoughts, I use CBT to cancel the thought and I have now learned to move on.
It really, really works! Now, have there been setbacks? Hell yes, but I will always use these tools because I continue to move forward and I push past the baby setbacks. It’s like rehearsing or practicing for something you really want. You don’t give up. You keep working at it and use the tools you are given to make it happen. And I want to be healthy. I believe in these tools.
David’s support is unconditional. He totally believes in my progress and I believe in what he is doing for me. I always, always do my homework and use the tools he has given me to move forward. And we continue to have so much to talk about at my appointments because I am open and vulnerable and so is David. There are no wrong questions or answers in David’s office. I will never let up on my journaling, meditation, prayer, CBT, and exercise. These tools have brought me to life again. I am proof they work. David’s words work.
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David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work has been verified by so many professional therapy organizations like Psychology Today, Theravive, Therapy Tribe, and has verified David as one of the top relationship counselors and experts in the world!
For more information, please visit