There is a deep need right now for all of us to be put in more effort and time and doing personal check-ins, for our own mental health.
When our mental health is strong, the events going on around us will have minimal damage to our self-confidence, self-esteem, health, relationships, and more.
But with the pandemic, there’s so much that’s out of our control that if we don’t realize there are things that we need to learn how to just accept, or to moderately workaround, we will continue to go downhill in regards to our mental energy, health, motivation and more.
So Tip #1 is really simple. I want you to create a list right now of all the things that are stressing you out, creating anxiety or depression, and then next to each one of these triggers that can be terrible for our mental health, I just want you to write the words, “in control“, or “out of my control“.
So if you’re incredibly stressed over the recent election you would write down… “Is my stress over the recent election in my control or out of my control?“
I think most of the average individuals in the world would say the end result of this election now is out of our control so it might be a good idea to start to practice release techniques to not continue to talk about something with friends or family members or neighbors that is out of your control if it creates a deep emotional response. On the other hand, maybe you’re reacting to stress with emotional eating, which is totally in your control.
While it’s not easy to break this habit, by working with a professional you can easily do that in a short period of time… But trying to break any dependency or habit on our own can be very difficult and sometimes it’s just a waste of our time.
Take advantage of the tips were going to give you, and if you’d like to get one on one attention from me to help shatter any type of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, addiction, relationship issues, etc., reach out to me at and let’s do some great work together, regardless of where you live in the world.
Also, don’t forget about our first “live in-person seminar“, about the mental health solution which will be on May 15, 2021 in Fort Myers Florida. You can sign up for that at this link here SIGN UP NOW!