Is it time, for a second, or third career?
This question is being presented to millions of people across, not only the USA but the world today.
And it’s been going on for the past three years, due to layoffs, due to work environments that people did not want to stay in, for a variety of reasons millions of Americans have dropped out of the workforce and are now looking for a new opportunity to create a difference in this world and an income at the same time.
I speak with many people daily between the ages of 40 and 80, who are now looking for their next career. For some of them, it’s their third and for others, it’s their fourth career in their lifetime!
And for others… It’s an even higher number of careers they may have gone through.
So this is the perfect time to look at the points below, and decide your next best move in regards to putting your energy into a career:
Number One. What do you have a passion for? Oh my Lord, when we get out of high school or college very few of us ask that question, and we just take a job because we have a degree in it, or because our parents wanted us to, or whatever the reason might be.
As you look at your next career or multiple careers, I highly advise that you focus on something that you have an absolute passion for, it makes life so much more worthwhile and so much more fun!
Number Two. Do you need additional schooling right now, or certification, or do you need to go to a trade school in order to be prepared for your next career?
Many people when they move from one career path to the next, have to slow down, go back to college, or to technical schools, some go to other types of certifications in order to have the basic knowledge necessary to create their new career.
So, ask yourself that question, what do you have to do to be prepared to move into a career that would be fulfilling, and aimed right at what you are passionate about in life?
Number Three. Can you do an internship somewhere? Internships are really valuable in making sure that the next career move is right for you.
You might even volunteer, or shadow someone in a work environment where you think you might enjoy it to make sure that you will.
When I started my radio career in 1990, even though I was older, I did a free internship where they offered me an opportunity to host a show one day a week for one hour, at no pay whatsoever, but I took it because I wanted to see if it was something I would have passion for. Oh my Lord, I’ve been doing it for the past 33 years! It was so worth going through the internship, it really was, working for free doesn’t sound like a great idea at first, but it ends up being a blessing, in the long run, many times.
Or, another idea would be whatever direction you want to go in, to reach out to several people who are in that field right now and ask them to lay out the pros and cons of moving in this direction.
Number Four. Get your résumé ready! Get your endorsement quotes from previous employers ready! If you have any contacts with leaders in your community, get endorsements from them, so no matter what direction you go in, you’re prepared with not only an updated bio but also endorsements from people that you have worked with or that you know who will make the transition a little easier than trying to do it on your own.
Number Five. Some career choices will automatically put you in a training program! I work with several people who are now entering the world of real estate, and they went and selected companies based on the depth of training that these companies were offering.
And I think that’s a brilliant move!
When you’re going into a new career path, you want to make sure that whoever you’re working with or for, has already created a training program to help prepare you for this new transition.
Number Six. If you have a great desire to help others, if you have a passion for seeing other people overcoming challenges and hurdles in life, maybe like you have yourself, consider becoming a “Certified Mental Health and Master Life Coach. “
This program is already way ahead of the curve, as we have created a 30-hour certification that will teach you all of the basics you need to know regarding the origin and solution for anxiety, depression, career change, financial challenges, relationship issues, sleep issues, confidence and self-esteem challenges, procrastination and more!
This world needs an army of mental health coaches, who have the basic knowledge to be able to empower their clients to make lifestyle changes that they may not be willing to make on their own.
Our mental health and master life coaches offer the epitome of accountability, making sure that clients are doing the work on a daily basis so that they can create the success they want!
For more information on the Mental Health Certification simply visit mental-health-and-master-life-coach-certification
I think this is the time and the place to seriously consider a career change if you’re not fully satisfied where you are.
You can start out part-time. I have hundreds of stories of clients I’ve worked with over the past 43 years that couldn’t afford just to drop their current income or health benefits, so they started part-time in a new career, either evenings or weekends until they got the confidence and the track record necessary to go full-time.
I’ve worked with attorneys, small business owners, and first responders who were burned out on their current careers and helped them get into a position more suited to their personality and their drive in life.
Can it be a little scary to change careers later on in life? Absolutely!
But wouldn’t it be better to do what you love every day, to wake up excited about your new career path than to continue to worry about how life is passing you by while you’re doing things you’re not excited about?
This is the time to challenge our own thought processes. This is the time to challenge ourselves, and to make sure that the rest of our lives, whether we have five years or 50 years left, is spent in doing what we love!
I know you will make the right decision for you, let’s get started today.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says, “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His new program, “Helping Americans Heal“, is absolutely free! When you sign up you’ll instantly get a copy of his number one best-selling book, “positive thinking“, and every week you’ll receive an email with tools to help you learn powerful emotional regulation techniques.
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified, by so many organizations like Psychology Today, Therapy Tribe, Theravive, and has verified David is one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
For more information on working with David one on one from anywhere in the world, please visit
Read another popular article on Mental Health Coaching? mental-health-crisis-why-are-mental-health-coaches-in-such-high-demand