How do we live a life… Full of bravery?
When most people think of living a life filled with bravery, they think of standing up for the underdog, defending someone against a bully… Or maybe even going to war.
And these are all examples of bravery, but there are many more examples that you and I can benefit from to start to create a life filled with not only bravery but success, motivation, and more.
I look at bravery as one of those words rarely used these days, but it’s very important to bring it back into our vernacular because it describes so many people that I’m going to talk about below.
These stories will include so many characteristics of individuals who are extremely brave and extremely successful and extremely happy in life!
For the past 40+ years, as a counselor, number one best selling author, and more, I have worked with thousands upon thousands of extremely brave people, who have radically changed their existence, who have radically changed their life, from one of trying to survive to one of absolute thriving.
As an example, my client that was raped and left for dead came to me approximately eight years after the experience and we worked together for a complete year to help her overcome this incredibly tragic almost life-ending event.
Why do I consider her so incredibly brave? Because she faced her greatest fears during our sessions. She did every ounce of homework I gave her, which is very intense when we’re dealing with overcoming something like rape, incest, etc.
She is definitely one of the bravest people that I’ve ever met.
Or how about Evelyn Keiling, who was weighing in at 420 pounds, and had herself wheeled into a health club in a gymnasium to begin her weight loss program.
Now that’s bravery!
Or how about the alcoholics in the world, that finally reach out for help, and stay consistently in a humble mindset so that they can get rid of this addiction for life.
I happen to fall into that category, and yes I consider myself extremely brave for being able to call a treatment center, even as a counselor, to admit that I was an alcoholic and I needed help.
That one step of bravery, checking in to a 30 Day Treatment Center, radically changed my life… So much so I don’t even look at myself as a recovering alcoholic, I simply look at myself as David Essel, the addiction is in the past there’s no need to even carry it forward in any way whatsoever.
Or how about if I mention the name Rosa Parks? Pure bravery.
Or what about one of my clients, an emotionally abused woman in a marriage, who finally agreed to go to a women’s shelter, that not only saved her life but also save the life of her children.
Pure bravery.
Or how about my friend, who I’ve written about in several of my books, Ray Higdon, who was facing foreclosure as a single dad of two young children, and decided to go after 20 rejections a day, selling a network marketing product which ended up creating an incredible new life for him filled with financial freedom!
When I first met him, he was absolutely broke, and over the last number of years has reached up to an income of over $1 million per year!
It took bravery to pick up the phone and actually go after 20 rejections a day. Bravery.
I could go on and on with all the clients I’ve worked with, the people interviewed who have overcome huge challenges in life, but they could only do it by choosing to be brave!
Let’s look at three traits of extremely brave people:
Number One. They asked for help. They are so humble, so vulnerable, that they know that there’s no way they’re going to get themselves out of their jam by themselves, so they reach out and humbly ask for help from a professional who has experience with the challenge they are facing.
Number Two. They just don’t give up! It doesn’t matter how much weight they’ve lost, and maybe they’ve slipped back and regained a large portion, they keep moving forward.
Or when friends may say to someone who’s not drinking, “come on you can just have one, join us you’re missing all the fun!”, And that person decides to pass on the drink and stay on the path of sobriety.
Number Three. They carefully began to select the people that they want to interact with, their core friends, their core associates, who will support them during their major challenge regardless of what it takes.
Very brave people are not afraid to start to spend less time with individuals who doubt their ability to overcome their challenge, and start to look to fill their life with incredibly supportive people, maybe many people who have gone through the same challenge they have in the past!
Today is the day for you to be brave.
Today is the day for you to reach out and ask for help.
Today is the day for you to celebrate your strength, your bravery, by walking into the pain, by walking into the challenge versus trying to escape it.
Are you ready to be brave?
If you are, let’s work together to create a plan, a pathway to immense bravery and success in your life today.
We work with people from all over the world via phone and Skype, just reach out to us at and we will make sure, along with your bravery, that we add the tools, habits, and beliefs to make sure that you achieve your greatest goals in life.“
David Essel‘s work has been endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by so many organizations like Psychology Today, Therapy Tribe, Theravive, and has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
For more information on all that David does please visit