The pandemic surely has changed the way we live in this world, in so many different ways!
Home delivery now is standard.
Whether it’s from Amazon or your local grocery store, or your local Home Depot, home delivery has become the way of life for so many people.
But what about the world of dating? What about in the world of love?
Online dating is probably hotter now than it’s almost ever been, and people are falling in love with individuals from not just all over their state but all over the world!
So is it possible to fall in love by texting someone back-and-forth?
For the past 42 years as a counselor, number one best-selling author, and more I have helped thousands of people to create a deep love relationship, to find deep love, and creating a loving relationship during the pandemic has surely added some major challenges to this goal.
But recently, a woman came to me asking me the very question, “David is it possible that I’m falling in love with a man I’ve never met, but I’ve only talked to and exchanged messages via text?“
It was a great question!
Especially during the pandemic, would it be possible to fall in love without ever actually meeting that person?
So as she explained, she was afraid to fly, the gentleman that she had met online was a four-hour flight away, he was tied up with two children and a job that required a lot of hours and he wasn’t able to get out of town.
And because of her fear of flying during the pandemic, she was stuck in her city, wanting to see him, meet him and see what they would be like in person, but without the strength to get on the flight to make it happen.
So they texted. And texted more. And texted more.
And then they started having 2 and 3 hour conversations on the phone!
And then they started texting pictures of themselves to each other, some very normal and work attire and some a little more sexual in nature.
She found herself one day blurting out and says “I love you!“
And as she hit the send button her heart dropped into her stomach!
She was wondering if she should’ve done that, she’s never met the guy how could she be in love?
Was she falling for some kind of scam that happens all the time with online dating that’s called “catfishing“?
Is she being catfished at this very moment? She was confused, excited, totally turned on about this man, but also mentally… Confused.
And that’s how we got into the conversation during a session. She wanted to know if it’s possible to fall in love with someone she had never met?
We spent several weeks going over the pros and cons of this question and the end result was surprising to her, but not to me.
“David, we’ve been working together for four weeks, you’ve asked me to do 1000 different exercises in writing and the last one brought a conclusion to me that I was not prepared for: yes it’s not only possible to fall in love via text, phone calls, and emails… But I am here as one woman in this world to prove that it has already happened!“
And here’s something super exciting that happened next.
After she did the work and realized that she as a human being, maybe not everyone else but, she as a human being had fallen in love with a man four hours away via text messages phone calls, and pictures sent.
When she saw that conclusion what was her her next move? She booked a flight to meet him.
And when they met? It was exactly what they both had created over the past several months via text and phone calls: it was love at first text that had turned into love at first sight!
Will it last into the future? No one can answer that at all.
Was it worth her risking and getting on a flight, when she didn’t want to, to meet someone who could hopefully become the man of her dreams?
Absolutely. She knew she had made the right move, and now they are in a full-blown love relationship, trying to decide if one person should move to the other persons city or if they should continue doing a long-distance love relationship.
I’m excited to share the story because it’s different. It’s unique. And in the world of the pandemic, we need to look at different ways to observe life and to interact with life.
For many people, they would say that this was pure lust, infatuation, and that the relationship will never make it.
But in the eyes of this couple, everyone would be wrong!
We will see down the road how they do, but it’s been multiple months now that they’ve actually been with each other in person, and the relationship is flourishing beyond their imagination.
Keep your mind open! If you need help learning how to date effectively in the times of the pandemic, reach out to me. We can help you with online profiles, protecting yourself from a security perspective, and being able to read through the lines of a potential partners response, to be able to see sincerity or not.
Don’t let the pandemic keep you from finding the love of your life. Go today.“
David Essel‘s work has been highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by so many different organizations, such as Psychology Today, Theravive, Therapy Tribe, and has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To work with David one on one with your love life, or anything else that you would like to achieve, reach out to him today at