Could certain spiritual practices, lift us above this pandemic?
From prayer to contemplation to visualization to actual healing ceremonies… There are 1 million or more spiritual practices that could be of great benefit to all of us during the pandemic.
But instead, most of us are focusing simply on the pandemic.
People are still arguing left and right on social media about the vaccine about the pandemic about all the craziness in this world… But they’re forgetting something really important.
There is a spiritual tool, for any situation, that can help alleviate stress and increase our faith in life.
And what is the definition of faith?
The one that we’ve used for years is simple, “faith is believing in the yet unseen.“
So as a minister, former pastor, number one best selling author, and counselor I am going to give you a list of spiritual practices that could totally help us deal with, and maybe even rise above a lot of the craziness, chaos, drama, and dysfunction during the pandemic:
Number One. Increase your faith! Faith is belief in the yet unseen. Every day when you awaken, believe that you will be fine, believe that you will be successful, have faith that the future is in your favor!
Now for faith to be real, it has to be followed by action steps.
So what action steps could you use to prove that you have faith in your own future?
Well, you could open up a new business today. You could start working out to treat your body like a temple that you should treat it as. You could decide to start going to church services or synagogue services or temple services or spiritual services as a way to physically prove that you want to enhance your faith.
Reading articles about people who have deepened their faith during trying times, which are available all over the Internet, could be another action step that you would take to deepen your faith!
Number Two. Awareness as a spiritual tool for growth. Start to become aware of how much time you spend on social media. How much time you spend discussing the pandemic and the vaccines. How much time you spend arguing with people trying to convince them that they’re wrong and you’re right.
Awareness is a powerful spiritual tool, but once again it must be followed by action steps.
So once you are aware that you’re arguing more often on social media, simply stop.
Once you’re aware that at work you’re constantly arguing with someone or in the gym with someone or even at church with someone about why they should get the vaccine or why they shouldn’t… Stop!
Number Three. Prayer. In his number one best-selling book “Prayer is good medicine“, physician Larry Dossey offers a string of double-blind placebo-controlled studies of how prayer has helped people to heal even when they didn’t know they were being prayed for!
So this could be a good time to do what my mom who recently passed away, and my dad would do every night at dinner: they had a list of people they would pray for!
The list could be quite long, and you may have to wait a while before you actually start eating, LOL, because they were very serious about prayer and how we can help people to heal.
Grab Larry‘s book, start to pray more fervently, with emotion, with passion, and watch your spirits soar.
Number Four. Meditation! Probably one of my favorite spiritual tools is the art of meditation.
Through meditation, the kind we teach is called “no-thought meditation”, you go into the depth of a meditative experience, which will totally relax the body, boost the immune system and when you come out of these meditations you will feel more alive in life.
(For more information on our course, “no-thought meditation“, which you can take with me one on one from anywhere in the world, please visit
Studies have also shown that people who meditate regularly can possibly reduce their addiction rate, reduce high anxiety, and may even benefit an individual struggling with depression.
During this pandemic, there are millions of people that have fallen victim to addictions, anxiety, and depression so using this tool as a way to combat these mental challenges could be a wonderful choice.
Number Five. Reading spiritual books can be a great way to start to deepen your faith.
In one of our top-selling books, “How to Experience Heaven on Earth“, we go through a series of stories that a monk in a monastery tells, about how to deal with all kinds of stress in life, stress from the outside world as well as the stress we create within.
Grab a copy of this book at to see how the monk’s teachings could help us alleviate so much of the stress created during this pandemic.
The number one point I want to make here is that there are so many ways to decrease our stress, anxiety, or our depression response to the pandemic that many of us not might not even be thinking about.
As churches and temples and spiritual centers reopen, this might be a great time to start to enter them safely, following all the protocol with masks, etc. because that will offer us a certain level of socialization that many of us have not gotten up to this point.
Look at the above steps, begin to follow all of them today and you will start to see a totally different reaction from your mind, body, and spirit to the pandemic at hand.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by so many different organizations, such as Psychology Today, Theravive, Therapy Tribe, and has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To work with David on your spiritual path, or religious path, to learn how to deal with a pandemic more effectively please visit