Mental Health Issues? We’ve all seen the insanity over the past 2 years with the pandemic. The political unrest, now with the war overseas, the vaccine debate… There have been so many challenges that the world has gone through.
And then add on top of those people who have lost jobs, lost homes, have gone through divorces or relationship breakups, have lost pets,… and their freedom to move around as we’ve known for years!
The number one demand that we see growing exponentially in this world is the need for certified mental health coaches. Individuals who are interested in dedicating their time and expertise to helping people who are struggling with one or more serious challenges in today’s world.
It might be depression for someone, someone else might be struggling with anxiety or insomnia, another person could be going through a PTSD experience, someone else could have lost their parents or their loved one due to the pandemic or other reasons.
And then one of the greatest addictions we see growing on a daily basis is procrastination!
So many people are delaying taking care of their mental health, their physical health, their spiritual path, and their major goals in life… We see this every day in my professional practice of 43 years, people struggling to get moving in the direction of their goals.
As someone who struggled for years with addiction, which is by the way on the rise dramatically all over the world, depression, and anxiety… I can tell you that it’s almost impossible, even as a counselor, coach, and minister, to heal our own internal mental issues.
I could only heal after I reached out and asked for professional help from other counselors, and the results have been, thank God, life-saving.
But what about you? Or your neighbors? Or your coworkers? Maybe your best friend? Or your partner? Family members?
Are they equipped with the tools necessary to go through these incredibly challenging times, where irritability and anger are also on an all-time rise!
The American Psychological Association came out with a survey, that even backs the need for more mental health certified coaches than ever before:
Number One. They found that 80% of couples responded that their relationships have never been in worse shape than they are right now.
Number Two. 79% of respondents said they do not have the emotional coping skills to deal with everything going on in the pandemic like anxiety, depression, anger, addiction, relationship challenges, and more.
Number Three. 40% of respondents and I think this is way under-reported, said that they were struggling with anxiety, depression or both! In my personal practice, we see about 70% or more of our clients regardless of what they’re working with me on, are struggling with low-grade anxiety and low-grade depression.
So what’s the solution?
We made a decision many months ago to start to create “an army of certified mental health coaches“, that can go out into this world and help people learn the basic origin and solution for all of the mental health issues were going through.
I began certifying master life coaches in 1996, and this updated version is the most detailed and in-depth program I’ve ever seen in all the years of this work.
These coaches will empower their clients, to take responsibility for a part of their own healing, not to replace medical doctors and medication, but rather to give our clients the tools necessary to be able to begin the healing process on their own.
And there are 1 million tools out there today from the world of therapy and coaching, from the world of spirituality and amino acid supplementation, and from tools like cognitive behavioral therapy that can make a huge difference in the lives of people struggling right now!
Buy my best guess, over 80% of the world’s population is sincerely struggling with one of the above conditions.
We created a brand new program, “The Mental Health and Master Life Coach Certification“, to answer the needs of the world today!
This 30-hour certification will give you a basic understanding of how you can stand as an accountability partner for your clients, and help them move from where they are right now to where they really want to be in life.
Almost every counselor and life coach I have talked to has said the same thing: they are overwhelmed with the number of people that need their help, and many of them are falling behind because they cannot help as many people as they would like to.
And here is where you come in: In taking the certification, you will become one of the leaders, one of the healers of the mental health movement, which will allow you to not only help people heal but also it will give you an opportunity to create either a part-time or a full-time income as a certified mental health coach.
It’s also a way to give back to society, to become of greater service, and in my 43 years of doing this work, there’s nothing else I’d rather do than to see my clients rise above their current situation and create the life that they desire and deserve!
Won’t you join us today? We have certifications on going either in person in Fort Myers, Florida or via zoom so people can become certified from anywhere in the world.
I am the only one teaching this certification, so yes you will be working with me through the full time that we are together, and as usual, I will be available to assist these newly certified coaches once they’ve completed their work.
Now is the time to heal ourselves, and also now is the time to go out and do as much as we can to heal others.
I am here, I am ready, join me won’t you?“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says, “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His new program, “Helping Americans Heal“, is absolutely free! When you sign up you’ll instantly get a copy of his number one best-selling book, “positive thinking“, and every week you’ll receive an email with tools to help you learn powerful emotional regulation techniques.
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified, by so many organizations like Psychology Today, Therapy Tribe, Theravive, and has verified David is one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
Join David in his new certification at
You can read another article on the mental health crisis right here… mental-health-crisis