Are you struggling with pandemic exhaustion? Election exhaustion?
It’s time to do this.
If you’re like me, you’re exhausted right now. We might put up a good face in public, we may show up at the gym and work out hard, but deep down inside? We are all exhausted.
Now, I say everyone, there might be a few people in the world that have found a way to not allow the incredible bickering, anger, fear to not dampen their spirits but for most of us, it’s been a battle
For the past 40 years, I’ve been involved in the world of personal growth and love every part of it. I love my work as a counselor, master life coach, author, minister, and more… But I have to admit we’re going to probably have to change the way we live on a daily basis if we want to battle our way out of this incredible exhaustion that we’re facing.
But exhaustion can look different for different people.
Here’s a few examples of what pandemic exhaustion or election exhaustion might look like for you, your friends, or family:
Number One. trouble sleeping.
Number Two. Ongoing anxiety, low level, or high-level daily.
Number Three. Depression. Will this ever end? Will the anger ever subside? Will we ever find a cure for the pandemic?
Number Four. An increase in the use of alcohol, food, drugs, nicotine, television… As a way to try to avoid the reality of what we’re all going through.
Number Five. Increasing arguments amongst lovers, family members, and friends.
Number Six. A decrease in appetite. Many people right now are struggling to even have an appetite for any type of food right now, not because they have Covid and they can’t smell or taste, but because they are fully exhausted from the last 12 months of hell that we’re all living in.
Number Seven. Financial struggles.
Number Eight. Career struggles. Maybe you’re out of work. Maybe you’re in a job that you’re taking to survive but you can’t stand it. Either of these situations creates ongoing stress.
Number Nine. Obsession with the news in any form whatsoever.
Do you see yourself in any of the above?
I know in my world my sleep has been affected many nights in a row, my appetite can decrease in a heartbeat and I’ll even forget some days to eat.
And while we are all struggling, I want to offer some ideas, tips on how we might be able to lessen the battle with this ongoing exhaustion.
Number One. Deepen your spiritual life. This is one of the best pieces of advice that I give my clients on a daily basis. How frequently are you reading spiritual work? How frequently are you watching sermons fromanyl religions on YouTube?
When we deepen our spiritual path, when we create daily rituals for prayer, meditation, journaling… We are actually moving towards inner peace instead of away from it.
It may be time to learn how to meditate. It may be time to go into a sacred space, a temple, a church, a synagogue and just sit in the energy of God.
Maybe it’s creating a spiritual book club with several of your friends where you choose a spiritual writing and meet once a week via phone even, to discuss the meaning of the work and how you can apply it to your life.
(If you need help in this area, we have a course called “Deepen your spiritual path“, simply visit as I work one on one with people from all over the world via phone or Skype.)
Number Two. I have said this 1 million times this year, eliminate the news. Pull way back on social media. Limit your time on social media to 30 minutes or 40 minutes a day only!
Quit going down rabbit holes of conspiracy theories. Quit reading the angry remarks on social media about “I’m right and you’re wrong“ discussions.
Number Three. Practice self-compassion. You may have a very good reason to be super upset with your partner, or child, or coworker, or maybe someone driving slowly in traffic… But practice compassion.
When you practice compassion with other people, you’re actually practicing compassion with yourself as well.
Number Four. Let go of alcohol, sugar, nicotine, drugs daily, and ask for help on how to deal with the uprising of emotions that will start to come out in many different ways. Work with a professional weekly.
Number Five. Forgive yourself for outbursts of anger. Forgive yourself for an increase in your addiction. Ask for help from a professional to make these two items a reality in your life.
Number Six. Get out into nature. Mountains. Beaches. Parks. Lakes. Ponds. Nature calms us.
Number Seven. Look for someone to help. Is it time to volunteer your services to an organization that could really benefit from your help? An animal shelter? What type of non-profit would you be most likely to be interested in to help during this time?
Number Eight. Filling your mind every morning with thoughts of gratitude, podcasts that are filled with uplifting messages.
Remember how you start your day is one of the most important concepts to think about when we’re trying to work through the pandemic exhaustion or election exhaustion.
Also understand this: everything will pass. Things will change for the better. This will not continue for the rest of your life. You must know this in your heart and soul.
The answer to my struggles I have found in the above information, my anxiety decreased dramatically when I got away from the news. Exercise has helped me daily to flush out the stress chemicals that can build up in the body and to release endorphins to help me stay focused and more positive.
Are we in unprecedented times? It sure seems like it. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t start making changes today, to eliminate the exhaustion that you might be feeling.
Reach out. Ask for help. I have, and I think you should too.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by organizations like psychology today, and has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To work with David one on one from anywhere in the world please visit