What is the real message being given, in one of the top books ever written “Think and Grow Rich“?
Now at first glance, you might think that the title of David’s article is a little crazy.
I mean if the book is called “Think and Grow Rich“, wouldn’t it make sense that the only message given is that you can think and get rich?
For the past 30 years number one best-selling author, counselor, master Life Coach and minister David Essel‘s been helping people to get to the underlying root of success, the steps necessary to become incredibly successful in life.
Below, David aims his sights on one of his most favorite books ever written.
“I’ll never forget the very first time I picked up Napoleon Hill’s number one best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich.“
I couldn’t wait to think… And then to get rich.
I kept thinking that whatever is in this book, must be powerful, and I’m tired of working so hard to make money I want to relax and get rich.
But by the end of the third chapter, I realized something extremely important: the message in the book had nothing to do with thinking our way to riches, but it had everything to do with something else.
What was that something else?
Napoleon Hill was more brilliant than any of us can ever think about, because he titled his book in a way to grab great marketing and branding attention, but then the book did this major turn around and became something totally different.
And what did the book become once you started to get into the chapters?
The answer is quite simple: every successful person he wrote about, from his son who was born with no ears but learned how to hear, to Charles Schwab who convinced some of the most successful businessmen in the world of steel to join together, each of the stories was about working hard, collaboration, determination, persistence and more!
Let me repeat this: every story in this amazing book, still, my favorite book ever written on success, describes how individuals started with very little or nothing, and then through persistence, determination, and action steps into the uncomfortable daily… They all became incredibly successful!
They learned the art of faith, believing in the yet unseen, as they worked their way to success.
They practiced the art of extreme determination, never giving up once they put in their mindset this incredible goal that they wanted to achieve.
Yes, he talks about affirmations, visualization, mastermind groups with people who have already passed on… He gives all kinds of great tips, but the main message is this: if you’re not willing to work your butt off, if you’re not willing to ask for help, if you’re not willing to collaborate with others… Getting rich is going to be very hard.
But, if you follow the main theme in his book, and you create outrageous determination, incredible faith, and a passion for making a difference with whatever tool or gifts you have… You can get rich!
Right now, I am re-reading the book “Think and grow rich“, as I do every year.
And every year when I read it I just smile, and realize with even more certainty and depth, that Napoleon Hill was right on: you can think and grow rich if you’re willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to make it happen. Let’s start today.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny Mccarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
He is the author of 11 books, four of which have become number one bestsellers.
His work as a counselor and master Life Coach has been verified by organizations like Psychology Today, and Marriage.com has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To work one on one with David, go to his website below and sign up for his “30-minute jumpstart counseling session“, to begin the process of becoming more successful at www.davidessel.com