Sobriety, one day at a time? Marriage, one day at a time?
If you’re going to get married, would you agree with your fiancé that you’re going to marry them… One day at a time?
Or would you make a commitment let’s say for … Life?
And with sobriety… Are you going to take the same easy way out and stay sober one day at a time?
Or do you think it’s time to make a commitment… To stay sober for life?
Below, David Essel, a number one best selling author, counselor, and minister for the past 24 years has been trying to educate people on the need to get sober for life, not just one day at a time.
Here are David’s thoughts.
“It’s kind of funny, isn’t it? I mean as a minister I’ve married so many people, but I’ve never had a couple come up and say “Reverend David we would like to be married just one day at a time.”
And do you know why no one has ever said that to me?
Because their partner would run out the door in a split second!
You see, if you have a major goal in life, and you want to accomplish something huge, you’ve got to commit to your life. You can’t commit one damn day at a time.
And why doesn’t staying sober one day at a time work?
Well, first of all, this concept was created 80 years ago when we knew very little about the psychology of the mind.
But the biggest problem for me as a counselor, who has worked in addiction recovery for 24 years and is a fully recovered alcoholic and cocaine addict, is that it gives the alcoholic a foot out the door every day!
I mean hey, if they relapse, they just go “I’m just gonna start again tomorrow because I’m just getting sober one day at a time.”
I don’t deal with clients like that at all, every one of my clients has to agree to sobriety for life or I will not work for them.
Am I a hardass? Hell no. I’m realistic. I know what works and what doesn’t work.
Since you wouldn’t marry someone one day at a time, why are you trying to pull the same nonsense by saying you want to get sober one day at a time?
It’s the easy way out.
And that’s what we’re looking for in our world today, we all want the life hack, we all want the easy way out.
Instead, let’s drop the old nonsense, the old beliefs that don’t work, and start to get more serious, with a commitment to lifelong recovery.
Join our holistic addiction recovery program, we guarantee that it will work and because we’ve been doing it so long we’re not gonna use some philosophy from the 50s that rarely works for anyone, at the level of full-time commitment will.
It’s your choice. Please choose wisely.“
David Essel‘s work has been highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny Mccarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by organizations like Psychology Today, and, has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To join David with his holistic addiction recovery program, one on one from anywhere in the world simply email him at