What? Embrace your negative thoughts and behaviors? Why?
In all of my 42 years in the industry of personal growth, one of the greatest errors and misconceptions that many teachers like myself have unfortunately given to clients and readers and friends is misinformation about the need for us to deeply experience our negative thoughts, emotions, and habits.
As a counselor, number one best-selling author, minister, and more I had to change my approach to personal growth when I realized that avoiding negative thoughts, avoiding dealing with negative behaviors is the absolute pathway to hell!
Whatever we avoid grows.
Whatever we submerge, try to stuff underneath the rug, simply gets bigger!
And how can I prove this?
I work with new clients from all over the world every day, and so many times during our work all of a sudden we will hit a trigger in their life, where they’ll start to experience the pain, anger, rage, or even shame or guilt… Over something that happened 30 years ago that they never wanted to deal with!
And here they are 30 years later, working on trying to improve when we have to go back in time and deal with those experiences we’ve never wanted to deal with.
Now in the world of psychology, this is just common sense.
But I recently saw on Instagram, a very famous “law of attraction teacher“, who made the statement:
“if you ever have a negative thought, you’re doing it all wrong. Through the law of attraction, you should only have positive thoughts 100% of the time!“
Are you freaking kidding me?
That’s the pathway to hell that I’m talking about… Avoidance… Living in fantastical thinking… Pretending that everything is fantastic when in actuality it may not be at all.
So let’s look at the benefits of embracing, writing about, feeling our negative thoughts, behaviors, and habits:
Number one. Welcome to reality gang! Get out of denial, welcome to reality!
You can only change what is real, and if you continue to pretend that you have no resentments, no addictions, no flaws, and that everything is perfectly divinely given to you at the right time… You’re probably living in extreme avoidance.
Breaking out of avoidance allows you to deal with reality, which so few people seem to want to do these days.
Number two. These negative emotions, attitudes, habits, addictions whatever they might be, are signs that you need to change the way you’re living your life!
So instead of saying “I don’t want to ever have a negative flaw or a negative habit or a negative emotion… We should be embracing and writing about all of these “negative experiences of our life“because they’re telling us to change!
We can use these negative emotions, habits, and more as signs that say we need to get help, we need to ask for assistance, we need to get out of our comfort zone to change our lives.
Number three. By embracing the “negative side of life“, if we start today we’re already moving forward, at light speed in regards to the world of personal growth, health, relationships, finances, and more.
By dealing with the insanity, the chaos and drama and relationships, the addictions, we can find a pathway to true success, independence, and then become a powerful role model for our children, family members, neighbors, coworkers, friends, and more!
The other option? Is the stay in the world of fantastical thinking… Pretending that you don’t have addictions… Pretending you don’t have an anger issue… Pretending you don’t have resentments… The more you pretend, deny, rationalize and justify instead of healing those issues within… The further away you are from being the real you.
I know in my life I battled with addiction for 30 years, codependency for 30+ years, and I continued to avoid doing the work because I didn’t want to get uncomfortable…
But like you, when I opened my heart and mind to the reality of life, my entire existence changed for the better!
I embraced the fact that I was dealing with depression, in order to heal it.
I embraced the fact that I was an alcoholic, in order to heal it.
I embraced the fact that I have anxiety issues, instead of avoiding them in order to heal them.
And I’m no different than you! You can experience the same, and I hope you’ll start doing it today.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by organizations like psychology today, and marriage.com, which has verified David as one of the top relationship counselors and experts in the world.
To work with David one on one on your negative emotions or habits, as a springboard to success, reach out to him at www.davidessel.com