New Relationships? How to find the best partner for you in life?
Here are the most important tips you need to know.
Are you looking for love?
Do you really believe you’re ready for that next, incredible love connection?
Now here comes a tough question: Are you prepared? Ready? Do you know what it takes to be ready for the deepest of love?
For the past 30 years, number one best-selling author, counselor, minister, and master life coach David Essel has been helping people from all over the world prepare themselves for the real thing: deep, monogamous, lasting love.
Below, David offers some of the most important tips you’ll ever find in regards to being prepared for the love of your life.
“So many people today say they’re ready for love, they’re looking for love… But they’re not ready at all!
Does that surprise you?
With 80% of relationships in our country absolutely dysfunctional, it’s easy to see that most of us are not ready at all for that incredible long-term commitment that we think… We want.
Here are a few critical pointers to take deep into your conscious and subconscious mind as you prepare for your next relationship:
Number One. Are you happy single? Are you happy alone? If you’re not… read no further.
This is one of the most important keys that people forget about, you should only be looking for a relationship when you are really at peace with having no one by your side.
Now even though this is an incredibly important fact, most people when they come to me as their counselor, helping them prepare for a relationship, and I ask them why they’re looking for a new love they’ll make statements like:
“I’m tired of being alone… I’m tired of doing everything on my own… I’m tired of raising these kids by myself… I’m tired of going to parties by myself… I’m tired of having to try to pay for everything on my own… All my friends are in great relationships, I deserve to be in a great relationship too.“
Now if you look at the above we are looking at people who are unhappy, incredibly needy, and this is not the time to begin looking for a solid life partner if you feel connected to any of the above victim-like statements.
Take your time, become happy, before you even think about bringing someone else into your life, when you’re not at peace with where you are and who you are.
Number Two. Have you released all resentments, every resentment possible against former lovers?
I don’t care how much they betrayed you. How badly they hurt you emotionally or unfortunately even physically. If we don’t go into full forgiveness and release partners from the past we’re going to bring our jaded attitude, or lack of trust, into the next relationship.
In other words, your next partner is going to pay for the pain you have not released from your previous lovers.
Number Three. Have you written down your deal killers in love, those red flags that maybe were blowing in the wind in your past relationships?
Do you know what they are for you? Do you have them listed?
In our top-selling book, “Love and relationship secrets that everyone needs to know!“, We go into great detail with something I created 25 years ago called “the 3% rule of dating.“
What this rule says is, that you can have 97% compatibility with a partner, but if they have any of your deal-killers, any of the red flags of love that you’ve experienced before… The odds of the relationship working out are incredibly tiny.
Deal killers could be anything from a potential partner with small children, to someone who smokes or drinks, someone who is an emotional spender, an emotional eater… Someone who has a passive-aggressive nature… Someone who never listens to your point of view… For some people a deal-killer can be someone from a different religion, oh my Lord there are so many potential deal killers but if you don’t know what they are for you? You’re going to walk back into the same trap.
I would like to stop right here. The above is all you need to focus on to prepare yourself for a great love affair.
Find a way to become happy, right now.
Work with a professional to forgive all of your past lovers regardless of how poorly they may have treated you.
And then finally, know your red flags, know your deal-killers, and if a dating partner happens to have any of your deal killers and they refuse to let them go, then it’s time for you to exit that potential relationship and open yourself up for something very real.
Don’t follow the crowd, just because your friends and family are saying that “you’re the greatest catch in the world and how come you’re not dating”, don’t use that as peer pressure to go out and start dating.
Wait, wait, wait until you’re ready… Your patience will pay off big time.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by organizations such as psychology today, and has verified David as one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To prepare yourself for love, work with David one on one from anywhere in the world via phone or Skype at