The pandemic: A great time to get more in touch with your intimate connection. And learn more about pandemic and intimacy.
There are many downsides, obviously, to the pandemic.
Serious health issues including the death of people we may know.
Work interrupted. School interrupted. Life interrupted.
But it also gives us the benefit of looking deeply at our intimate desires, our partner’s intimate desires if we are in a relationship, and ask ourselves the question: Are we maximizing our intimate time together?
For the past 30 years, number one best-selling author, counselor, and minister David Essel has been helping couples to get in touch with their intimate side and to learn how to express it freely.
Below, David gives us tips on why now is the best time possible to start to put more effort and energy into your intimate love life.
“For some, it might be crazy for me to write an article, even a book recently, about intimacy in monogamous, long-term relationships in the middle of the pandemic.
In the middle of the election.
And yes, I did it on purpose. My Publicist, TJ Tauriello, and I had thought about releasing the book in January which we normally do every year, but upon his advice, and he was 100% correct, he said “now is the time David that this world needs more attention to relationships, more attention to making sure that we are open, and fulfilled in love”.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been flooded with couples on the verge of divorce, couples arguing constantly, addictions in families rising, and more.
And so now, we’re going to change course. We’re going to change direction. I am going to encourage you to start putting more time and effort into your intimate desires, communicating them with your partner, and at the same time during the pandemic asking them to do the same.
We can always come up with excuses for why this is not the time to become more intimate with our partner.
Kids are home from school. We might both be working from home. But these are excuses because many of us have more time now than we’ve had in the past.
And if you’re not fully satisfied in your intimate relationship, and you don’t do anything about it now, it’s not going to improve on its own.
And that’s the reason I wrote our brand new book, “50+ Flavors of Erotic Love… Leaving the vanilla world for ecstasy!“ because I don’t want to see any more divorces during this pandemic.
I don’t want to see any more arguing, bitching, complaining during the pandemic when couples could be taking that time with a book like mine, learning how to communicate more openly on a very sensitive subject.
But in the book, I give you exercises to make it easy to learn how to communicate with your partner during the pandemic about how to improve your intimacy which means the same thing as “how do we improve our relationship?“
Intimacy… Communication… Really need attention during this time of stress, and insanity.
There’s also exercises in the book that you can look at to discuss with your partner about what you are not interested in in the bedroom, maybe there are certain things that turn you on and there are certain things that don’t. Being able to look at our list in the book and our questions in the book and then sharing your response with your partner will only bring you closer together.
As a counselor, I ask you to go deeper now into healing and elevating your relationship. Don’t wait until the pandemic is over, because we have no idea when that might be!
Don’t wait until the election is over, because who knows what kind of craziness could happen after that!
Don’t wait. Grab the book. Work with the counselor. Do whatever you need to do. But now is the time, even during the pandemic, to raise your love life to the next level.“
David Essel‘s work is highly endorsed by individuals like the late Wayne Dyer, and celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.“
His work as a counselor and minister has been verified by organizations such as psychology today, and has verified David is one of the top counselors and relationship experts in the world.
To work with David via phone or Skype one on one, on your intimate life, from anywhere in the world, or to buy his new book on intimacy, please visit